To unite Lebialem sons and daughters in Edmonton and beyond
To carry out development projects and support Lebialem sons and daughters at home and abroad.
Support each other and grow together.
Reconnect and develop our culture.
LECDA is born
How time flies. The idea to create a LECDA branch in Edmonton was first initiated by 2012, some children from Lebialem. They came together and decided to unite all Lebialem off springs and well wishers in Edmonton. That is how LECDA EDMONTON was created. Among the brainchild of this noble idea were Charles Mbunya, who became our first president and served two years, Dr Dominic Bekwike who acted as our interim president for 6 months until elections were conducted.
Others included Agendia Aloysius, he was president between 2015-2017, Ndemafia Francis who was as our able Secretary General for 4 straight years, George Njuacha who was our financial secretary for 4 straight years as well as Richard Aboshouh, our current President. Dr Eugene Asaachop was also a founding member of Lecda Edmonton. The picture below is of the first ever LECDA Edmonton meeting in 2012 at Dr Asaachop’s house in Edmonton.